Stretch: Word of the Week February 21, 2022

Stretch: Word of the Week February 21, 2022

Word of the week Stretch a: to enlarge or distend especially by force b: to extend or expand as if by physical force Imperative to personal growth is to stretch ourselves. To enlarge our minds, expand our reach, deepen our hold on time and space.  All of that said,...
Inner Voice: Word of the Week

Inner Voice: Word of the Week

Part of understanding and connecting to your purpose is learning to listen to your inner voice. Learning to quiet the mind and body enough to hear the inner workings of your spirit and soul.  When I imagine what this looks and feels like for most people I see a moment...
Intuition: Word of the Week

Intuition: Word of the Week

Intuition is “the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.” Also often referred to as a gut feeling. Our words of the week always relate back to our overarching monthly company themes. This month, as you know, we are...
Rise(Up): Word of the Week

Rise(Up): Word of the Week

Rise up. Stand up. Rebel. Make a revolution. This month we have taken the time to be still and rest. We have chosen to nourish our mind and body. Now that we have done that we are ready. Ready to take the next step. Both individually and as a company we are saying no...
Shine: Word of the Week

Shine: Word of the Week

This week we are focusing on a new intention word as always! Do you set intentions for yourself each week? How do you make sure you are staying the course, achieving your goals, or putting out the energy that you really want to express? Do you have a weekly routine?...