Nourish: May 16, 2022 Word of the Week

Nourish: May 16, 2022 Word of the Week

Nourish: to promote the growth of; to furnish or sustain with nutriment My son didn’t sleep for the first four years of his life. Not in the way a lot of people say, like he wasn’t a great sleeper. I mean he simply didn’t sleep for more than an hour at a time and he...
Bloom: May 9, 2022 Word of the Week

Bloom: May 9, 2022 Word of the Week

I love the definition of the word bloom.  Beauty and freshness.  High development and achievement. It feels amazing to know you’re blooming.  You’ve had that happen, right?  You just know at that moment you are succeeding and shining.  Like a flower.   What I also...
Unfurl: May 2022 Word of the Month

Unfurl: May 2022 Word of the Month

This month we will unfold. Let ourselves spread out into the world, share our thoughts, our hopes and dreams, our light, our words.  We will unfurl: to open out from or as if from a furled state : UNFOLD. When we get nervous, uncomfortable, or unsure we curl in on...
Emerge: April 24, 2022 Word of the Week

Emerge: April 24, 2022 Word of the Week

Over the last two days I have had moment after moment confirm that I am a different person than I was just a few years ago. I say moments because if you were to look at the big things in my life a lot of them haven’t changed. Job is the same. Town is the same. Kids...
Friday Manifestation: Vacations and Relaxation

Friday Manifestation: Vacations and Relaxation

Every week we take what for us is a bit of a mental break and play around on Pinterest. It’s pretty fun as long as I stay away from any thoughts of my cake decorating skills or crafty school lunch abilities! That’s not where I excel lol. In all seriousness though,...