Over the last two days I have had moment after moment confirm that I am a different person than I was just a few years ago. I say moments because if you were to look at the big things in my life a lot of them haven’t changed. Job is the same. Town is the same. Kids are the same.

But me. I’m different. No, it wasn’t sudden but it was still surprising when I realized that I have evolved and I have emerged transformed. At this exact moment I’m different than I was before.

Each day we have the power to make small decisions, sometime so small they don’t seem like a big deal but little by little we can transform. We can launch a evolution to become the person we truly are.

Then we can emerge.

We simply need to figure the what small step we are ready to take.

Do we wear a new lip stick?
Read a new book?
Change our workout?
Try a new food?

These don’t seem like big steps because they aren’t but if you haven’t tried anything new in a long time they could be enough to kick start the next small step. Does that book lead you to another one which leads you to a therapist or a coach? Maybe that new lipstick leads you to a new wardrobe or a newly organized closet that is completely simplified that changes your morning routine? Small steps locking big transformations. Small changes leading to a personal evolution and suddenly you emerge as the truest you.

Are you ready to emerge? What is your first small step?