by Rielly | Aug 7, 2021 | Favorite Things, Manifesting
This month we are all about rest here at Go Boldly Initiative. Making sure we focus on being present and focused on what is right in front of us. That is often hard to do in the busy parts of normal life but on vacation the goal is to live in the present. While we...
by Rielly | Aug 6, 2021 | Manifesting, Mindset
Every week we take what for us is a bit of a mental break and play around on Pinterest. It’s pretty fun as long as I stay away from any thoughts of my cake decorating skills or crafty school lunch abilities! That’s not where I excel lol. In all seriousness though,...
by Rielly | Aug 4, 2021 | Go Boldly Podcast, Mindset
Every week this season we are approaching empathy from a different and sometimes difficult perspective. Acceptance is hard. Acceptance means embracing reality. It is a willingness to experience things as they are, instead of insisting that they be as you want them to...
by Rielly | Aug 2, 2021 | Entrepreneurship, Word of the Month
As we kick off the new month we have decided to take a pause. Oh don’t worry, we’re not leaving you, but we are taking time to take a breath. We are going to focus this month on simply being. We have a lot of excuses to not slow down and not to rest. We are too...
by Rielly | Aug 2, 2021 | Inner Voice, Word of the Month
This week we hone in on the concept of Acceptance. The idea that acceptance is a verb, it is an active awareness and recognition of our lives and realities as they are in this moment. It isn’t always easy to put into practice of course! Sometimes we have to remind...