by Rielly | Feb 1, 2022 | Mindset, Word of the Month
Our February Word of the Month: Grow To develop; to cultivate; to thrive. This month we chose the word “grow.” What does that mean to us? As a company it very specifically means that we want to grow our podcast to be in more ears and more hearts. We are excited...
by Rielly | Jan 1, 2022 | Word of the Month
Since long before Rielly and I joined forces with the Go Boldly Initiative we were picking our personal words of the year. They are a good way to set intentions for the year and we prefer them WAY more than resolutions. Picking a word of the year for our company was...
by Rielly | Dec 3, 2021 | Favorite Tools, Life Coaching
Creating and maintaining healthy habits can be really hard. It can be especially challenging this time of year with all of the emotions and potential turbulence of the season. That’s the perfect reason to make time for your routines and healthy boundaries though; it...
by Rielly | Dec 1, 2021 | Word of the Month
New month, new word. Community. A feeling of fellowship with others. A connection beyond the passing. Not superficial. A place to belong. Safety. Camaraderie. Familiarity. Comfort. Growth and opportunity. Friendship. Sisterhood. We are almost to the end of...
by Tovah Kopan | Oct 3, 2021 | Uncategorized
There are few things in life I enjoy talking about more than habits, goal setting, and letting go of our society’s unhealthy obsession with busyness. With our upcoming 21 Day challenge we can do all three! We are taking 21 days to pick out our top three priorities...