We are both incorporating rest, relaxation, and thankfully vacations into our lives this month! All was much needed by us and our families. Let me begin by saying just how grateful I am to have the opportunity to take time to recharge, to reconnect, to spend time with the people I love the most. There is a profound privilege to that time and opportunity and I am forever aware and grateful for it. When I come back from my time away I want to bring a bit of that feeling of rest with me, to maintain my connection to the Universe, and the depth of those relationships. There are so many ways to do that, from collecting meaningful mementos from the places you visit, to obtaining artwork, to taking photos, to continuing the conversations started along the way.
In addition to all of this, you can turn your own home into a retreat or at least parts of it. One of the best things I have done (or being fully transparent started to do – it’s a work in progress) is to declutter and empty my house of the things that distract me and add to my sense of overwhelm. On the flip side, I am bringing in things that add to my feeling of happiness and comfort. Tovah’s Top 5 Ways to Make Her Home Her Retreat

Rielly’s Top 5 Ways to Make Her Home Her Retreat
How do you make your home more comfortable? What are your top must haves for a more relaxing home life? Have a look through ours and let us know what you think. *Full disclosure we are Amazon affiliates so if you purchase books through these links we will make a small commission. You can also support us and the work we are doing by joining us over on Patreon! We create extra content and video fun for all on that platform.*