Anxiety. Let’s talk about it. Embracing our power means peeling back the layers of stuff holding us back and facing our difficulties, fears, stressors, little and big A anxieties. Mental health is something we all can and should talk about, especially when it comes to living our fullest lives. Join us as we talk signs, symptoms and triggers for anxiety. 

Often anxiety shows up in our lives without us even realizing what it is or what is causing the feelings that we are experiencing. We talk about some of the science behind anxiety, how you can detect it in your life and what to do to help yourself start to address those feelings. When anxiety goes unchallenged in our lives it can take over, leaving us without space or energy to do the things that are important and healthy for our own development. It is nearly impossible to embrace our power and gratitude when we are caught up in the storm of anxiety. Let’s talk through ways to begin letting go of those triggers and anxiety storms that run through our lives. 

As always we recommend the help of a professional therapist in conjunction with life coaching whenever possible. Join us today for this important discussion and don’t forget to rate, subscribe and review while you’re at it!

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